Time: The Quicksand of Life

How many of us take time for granted, as if it were something that was given to us on a silver platter rather than something we only have a limited quantity of. You can’t increase or decrease the amount of time that is available to you; all you can do is make the most of the time you have been given. Otherwise, the sands of time will keep on moving, and you will be slowly sucked into the never ending cycle of life and death.

I am not saying you have to live a life of perfection. I am simply asking you to live your best life. Live a life that harms no one and fulfill your goals and dreams with gratitude and honesty. Don’t let life quietly slip out of your hand, and end up greeting death with regrets. Don’t wait for the knock of death to start living your life.

If making loads of money is your goal, then do it, but with honesty, otherwise it will truly haunt you on your deathbed. If you want to leave your mark, then start working on it from today, in fact, right now itself! Don’t put any of your dreams or goals on tomorrow, start working on them today. Because you don’t know if tomorrow has been written for you.

Stop taking the time you have for granted. If you love someone, tell them as much as you can, before you regret not getting a chance. If you want to accomplish something, make a plan, stick to it and do it.

Our countdown timer has been ticking since the day we were conceived, so make the most of what is left. Don’t take it for granted.

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