Show Up

I couldn’t really sleep properly last night. Each turn woke me up with a string of thoughts running literally through my head, and continuing to take shape as I dozed off again. My mind was never quiet, but this is something quite different.

When I finally woke up at 8:30, I refused to go back to sleep. I was tired of not being able to sleep properly, but I was more tired of not following my routine. So I got off the bed, put on my shoes and finally exercised after a gap of nearly 10 days. I showed up for the day.

Every Sunday, I have this self-care routine I do, before I take a shower. It involves oiling my hair and putting a face mask amongst other things. But I had gotten lazy because of the lockdown, thinking I didn’t need to do it so regularly if I am at home. I realized today, I did all of it for me, for my self care, so would I let a virus make me decide I don’t want to do it? Hell no.

I am writing this while I wait for my mask to dry off, because I couldn’t get this one simple thing out of my head:

Yes, things are difficult right now because of COVID-19, things have changed from what they used to be, things might never go back to how they were. But so what? We are a species that adapts, survives and thrives. And we will get through this too.

I know showing up isn’t easy anymore, but as long as you are alive, you need to show up, every day. I did today, after many days. Will you?

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